Feiloaki Mateni Jr. from Rancho Cucamonga, California is very sad because his teenage son Feiloaki Helaman James Mateni died in a bad car accident. Feiloaki and his wife wrote on Facebook about how heartbroken they are to lose their dear son.
Feiloaki mateni jr Rancho Cucamonga ca brother Oil and his co-worker Anau also wrote kind messages saying they are very sorry for Feiloaki's loss. They sent love and support to Feiloaki and his family during this very difficult time of grief after the tragic death of their 17-year-old son Helaman.

What happened to Feiloaki mateni jr Cucamonga ca?
Feiloaki Mateni Jr. and his wife from Rancho Cucamonga are very sad because their teenage son Feiloaki Helaman James Mateni died in a bad car accident. People wrote nice messages on Facebook to say they are sorry for their loss and to support the family during this terrible time.
Feiloaki went to Bishop Amat High School and played on the football team there. His teammates and the whole school are grieving and miss him a lot after the young athlete tragically passed away too soon.
Feiloaki's parents loved him so much and are heartbroken they lost him when he was still so young. They will always cherish the memories they made with their dear son while he was alive. Feiloaki's family, friends, and everyone at his high school will deeply miss the teenager whose life was cut short in this devastating way.
Helaman went to Bishop Amat High School and played on the football team there. His teammates and the school community are also very sad that the young student athlete died too soon in the violent car crash.
It is a devastating loss for Feiloaki's whole family to lose their beloved teenage son and brother in such a terrible way. They will deeply miss Helaman who died much too young. Everyone is sending condolences and sympathy to help support the grieving family.